Category Archives: Regional News

An Evening with Randy Udall – Halliburton & the Mancos Sea: Shales R Us–Or Are They?

CRES and Golden Earth Days are pleased to present one of the nation’s leading activists in promoting energy sustainability. Randy Udall is co-founder of the Association for the Study of Peak Oil-USA, and former director of the Community Office for Resource Efficiency.

Americans are using 2 million barrels less each day than we were in 2007. The irony is that even as we’ve become less hooked on crude, we’ve become more addicted to drilling. Ten percent of the Lower 48 has been leased by oil companies. That’s more acreage than we plant in corn and wheat. In short, shale plays have given us a staggering amount of new energy. Udall asserts that “Simultaneously, they’ve hijacked our energy future, chained us to a drilling rig, and thrown away the key.”

Thursday, March 21, 7 p.m.
Presentation Followed by a Reception
Jefferson Unitarian Church, 14350 W. 32nd Ave., Golden, CO

Admission FREE.

Please register here, just so we know how much food to prepare.

Coalition Acts to Protect City of Longmont’s Ban on Dangerous Hydraulic Fracturing

LONGMONT, CO – Today, a coalition of community, public health, consumer and environmental organizations, including OurLongmont, Food & Water Watch, the Sierra Club,  and Earthworks filed a motion in the Weld County District Court to intervene in the Colorado Oil and Gas Association’s lawsuit that seeks to invalidate Longmont’s ban of the oil and gas practice known as “fracking”. This ban was instituted by the citizens of Longmont in an amendment to the City Charter, Article XVI , the Longmont Public Health, Safety and Wellness Act.

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One Man’s Stand Against the Keystone XL Pipeline

On Nov. 13, 2012, TransCanada started bulldozing Michael Bishop’s property to build the southern leg of the Keystone XL pipeline in Nacogdoches, Texas. Photo courtesy of Tar Sands Blockade

This is an extremely powerful firsthand account of a United States Marine in Texas who refuses to back down from the illegitimate Keystone XL pipeline that is destroying his land (the progression of photos in the articles is heartbreaking). I challenge anyone to read this series and not be outraged by TransCanada’s corporate thuggery:

Part I: One Man’s Stand Against the Keystone XL Pipeline

Part II: U.S. Marine Battles TransCanada in Court over Eminent Domain for Keystone XL

Part III: Calling for Reinforcements from Behind Enemy Lines in the Fight Against Keystone XL

Part IV: America Becomes Sacrifice Zone for Export Pipeline.”

I received this from Mike on Friday: “I just woke up to what I thought was an earthquake but it was the pipe laying machines rumbling in front of my door down the creek, to lay more pipe… it is only 120 feet from my house…” Then this on Saturday: “I wish I had a tape recorder so you could hear the noise they are making today. The noise is deafening.”  PLEASE ASK YOURSELF HOW YOU WOULD FEEL IF TRANSCANADA WAS DOING THIS TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY.

Mike has been financing his courageous legal fight against Keystone XL out of pocket, but is in the process of setting up a legal defense fund. If you feel moved by the Bishop family’s plight, I hope you will contribute to his family’s defense. I will send more details on that, along with Part IV of his four-part series, soon…

Tom Weis
Climate Crisis Solutions
(303) 378-1364

Diverse Coalition of Coloradans Across State Speak Out Against Fracking

Protect Our Colorado coalition and What the Frack?! Arapahoe deliver over 14,000 signatures to Governor’s office and state legislature calling for a moratorium on fracking

Denver, Colo.— Today Protect Our Colorado, a coalition of more than 30 business, solar, farming, faith, consumer, environmental, grassroots and social justice organizations across the state, and What the Frack?! Arapahoe will deliver more than 14,000 petitions to the Governor’s office and leaders in the state legislature from Coloradans opposed to the dangerous drilling technique.  The organizations are calling upon the Governor and state legislature to implement an immediate moratorium on fracking. Continue reading

Pro-fracking petition in Ft. Collins with fake signatures embarrasses Colorado Gas & Oil Association

By John Upton

The oil and gas industry’s amateur attempt to mislead Fort Collins lawmakers.

Outlawing fracking in Fort Collins makes local business owners sad. At least, that’s what liars working for the Colorado Oil and Gas Association tried to tell local lawmakers. Continue reading

Local residents turn out to protest Colorado BLM’s controversial ‘lease first, plan later’ approach

Wednesday, South Park and the North Fork Valley residents and business owners turned out to protest BLM’s controversial ‘lease first, plan later’ approach to oil and gas drilling at the Colorado BLM Resource Advisory Council (RAC) meetings. The public’s testimony focused on the need for BLM to finish critical planning and studies before they lease lands, in order to protect water supplies, local economies and wildlife.


BOULDER, CO- Today Earthworks and Sierra Club filed a motion to intervene in the State of Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission’s lawsuit to invalidate a Longmont City Ordinance that would protect residents from the pollution and associated health  threats of oil and gas development.
The challenged Ordinance, passed in July 2012, prohibits oil and gas surface activities from occurring near homes, schools and hospitals, and places mandatory setbacks from these and other facilities, as well as from waterways and parks. The Ordinance also requires disclosure to emergency responders of hazardous chemicals transported through the City and consultation with local wildlife experts before operations begin.
“Recent research shows that oil and gas development risks the health of those living nearby,” said Earthworks’ Oil & Gas Accountability Project Director Bruce Baizel. He continued, “Longmont’s Ordinance is necessary to protect the public’s health because it fills a regulatory void. It is ironic that COGCC is suing to overturn the Ordinance because the void it fills was left by the COGCC’s failure to set and enforce adequate rules governing oil and gas development.”
Over the past decade Colorado has experienced a historic boom in oil and gas drilling. Colorado currently has more than 50,000 active oil and gas wells covering much of the state’s landscape. Across Colorado’s northern plains, oil and gas companies are increasingly operating not only in sparsely populated areas, but also in towns and suburbs.
This growing trend of drilling near homes and schools prompted the City of Longmont, located 37 miles north of Denver and on the western edge of Colorado’s most productive oil and gas field, to update its land use rules to prohibit certain surface activities in residential areas.
The new rules immediately came under legal attack by the State of Colorado calling into question the City’s authority to protect its own citizens from the adverse effects of oil and gas development.
“We believe this is the first time a State has initiated a lawsuit against a local government regarding oil and gas regulation,” said Eric Huber, Senior Managing Attorney for the
Sierra Club Environmental Law Program. “This action by the State government only proves that decision-making by our representatives is not always done with people in mind. If Longmont wants to prevent certain dirty and dangerous practices from energy companies from happening, then that should be their right.”
“It is imperative that Colorado communities have the ability to protect their citizens from the many harmful impacts from oil and gas mining operations,” said Shane Davis, Longmont resident and Sierra Club chapter member. “The industry has operated largely without meaningful and safe regulations and we must not let that happen any longer.”
In the lawsuit, Earthworks and Sierra Club also plan to defend Longmont’s new hazardous materials disclosure rule for chemicals transported on Longmont’s roadways, as well as the city’s new wildlife habitat and species protection rule, as they do not conflict with state law.
The State and oil industry may oppose the environmental groups’ intervention, although the Boulder County court previously allowed the industry association COGA to intervene. Attorneys for the environmental groups expect a ruling from the court in about 30 days, and the case to proceed to a decision on the merits of the State’s claims later this spring.
This lawsuit could have a precedential effect on other Colorado communities working to pass similar local regulations to protect the health and environment of residents across the state from the threats of rampant oil and gas development.
For more information on Sierra Club’s efforts to protect communities from harmful oil and gas operations go to ; and to ; and for Earthworks see

BLM Defers all North Fork Valley Parcels

In a press release sent out early this morning, the BLM Colorado Office has announced that all 20 North Fork Valley parcels have been removed from the Feb. 14th oil and gas lease sale.

This is a tremendous victory for the community in the North Fork Valley!  Thank you to everyone who wrote letters to the BLM, our U.S. Senators, Rep. Tipton, and other elected officials asking them to make the right decision and removed the parcels from the sale.

The BLM has said that “We are addressing the deferred parcels through continued dialogue with the local community and with ongoing planning efforts in the Uncompahgre Field Office.”

Citizens for a Healthy Community will keep up the pressure on the BLM to make sure these parcels are not put up for leasing again.

Lamborn with snow

Citizens for a Healthy Community
Protecting people and their environment
from irresponsible oil and gas development
in the Delta County region.

Oil and Gas lobbyist accidentally releases Colorado legislative strategy

In an embarrassing and highly revealing mistake, lobbyists for Colorado Legislative Services LLC accidentally released their strategy for lobbying the current session of the Colorado legislature in support of fracking. The memo was attached to a message sent to the entire Colorado General Assembly and outlines their lobbying plans on behalf of Chesapeake Energy. The memo acknowledges Governor Hickenlooper’s “strong” relationship to the oil and gas industry and notes that the industry receives a $300-500 million credit of severance taxes.

Read the complete memo here.