Petition to ban fracking in the San Luis Valley


Petition Background
Colorado has seen an unprecedented boom in gas drilling, much of this
using potentially risky production techniques such as fracking. Living
communities all across the state have been significantly impacted and many
heavily damaged by these activities. The San Luis Valley is well known for
its agriculture, ranching, and tourism activities such as hunting,
fishing, and outdoor sports. Its vital watersheds are critical for life in
the San Luis Valley and south through New Mexico and Texas. The high water
demands that accompany drilling and production are counter to the need to
conserve our limited water resources especially in this protracted
drought. We demand that the Commissioners of the six counties of the San
Luis Valley recognize the unique characteristics of this valley and place
a permanent ban on oil and gas drilling in and around the San Luis Valley.

That's why I created a petition to San Luis Valley Boards of County
Commissioners, which says:

"Petition Statement
The San Luis Valley in Colorado is a culturally rich, agriculturally based
community that supplies much of the state and nation with potatoes, wheat,
barley and mushrooms. Water is the Valley's most valuable natural
The Valley is also a destination for tourists, hunters and film makers. Oil
and gas development is a direct threat to the Valley's water, air, quality
of life and livelihood. We insist on a permanent ban on any oil and gas
drilling in and around the San Luis Valley.

Will you sign my petition? Click here to add your name:

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